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Android vs Windows Mobile Phone vs iOS

  • Minggu, 11 Mei 2014
  • fajar adhi
  • Mobile Devices are everywhere, you almost cannot do without them anymore. But which one is the best for you. There are so many different models of devices that I decided to focus on the software that they use. What to choose? Will it be iOS, Android, or Windows Phone?

    What are they?

    A lot of people confuse phones and the software on the phones. iOS, Android, and Windows Phone are the most important competitors today when it comes to the software on various phone models. This software is called the Mobile Operating System or Mobile OS. The phone and the Mobile OS are not necessarily made by the same company but all the devices that run a particular Mobile OS are grouped together. For example, Android devices are all the phones and tablets that run the Mobile OS called Android which is made by Google. So with that out of the way, what Mobile OS should you have on your phone?

    Why These?

    Android by Google and iOS by Apple are the leading competitors no matter how you look at it. Windows Phone on the other hand has relatively little in terms of market share or anything else. But it is predicted to be the fastest growing platform in the next years and it is in my opinion in the same league as the other two; it’s just newer.

    The Raw data

    Before I give you a guide to what Mobile OS might be best for you, I give you the raw data.
    iOS – Apple
    Market Share: 27%
    Ads: Traffic (42%), Revenue (51%)
    # of Apps: 750,000 +
    Average App Price: $3.18 (iPhone), $4.44 (iPad)
    Free Apps: 56%
    Popular App Categories: Games, Education, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Books
    Mobile Developer Interest: 86-89%
    Expected Developer Platform Adoption: 28%
    OS Versions: iOS 5 (12%), iOS 6 (83%)
    # of Device Choices: Limited (Apple only)
    Device Sales: 21% (4th quarter 2012)
    Android – Google
    Market Share: 37%
    Ads: Traffic (31%), Revenue (30%)
    # of Apps: 700,000 +
    Average App Price: $3.06 (Google Play), $2.84 (Amazon)
    Free Apps: 72%
    Popular App Categories: Communication, Social Media, Utility, Entertainment
    Mobile Developer Interest: 54-77%
    Expected Developer Platform Adoption: 25%
    OS Versions: Android 2.x (45%), Android 4.x (54%)
    # of Device Choices: Extensive (Samsung, Sony, Nexus, etc.)
    Device Sales: 70% (4th quarter 2012)
    Windows Phone – Microsoft
    Market Share: < 5%
    Ads: Traffic (< 14%), Revenue (< 13%)
    # of Apps: 130,000
    Average App Price: $1.10 (estimate)
    Percentage Free Apps: 66%
    Popular App Categories: Entertainment, Tools, Games, Books
    Mobile Developer Interest: 36%
    Expected Developer Platform Adoption: 57%
    OS Versions: WP7 (74%), WP8 (26%)
    # of Device Choices: Large (Nokia, Samsung, HTC, Huawei, etc.)
    Device Sales: 3-6% (4th quarter 2012)

    Which one should I choose?

    Having shown the raw data, I can give some indicators to what might be a smart choice. I am not endorsed by any of these companies, and I am not being biased towards any of these platforms. They are all good, in their own way; the question is not which one is best. The question is, which one is best for you?

    Do you use a Mac, an iPad, Apple TV, or another Apple Product? 

    iOS is definitely a good choice in this case. iOS integrates well with many services that you already use on your Mac. No worries about compatibility and if everything will work well together, it’s all Apple and it all works together.

    Are you a Windows 8 and Microsoft fan?

    Well then it should be no surprise that I recommend taking a look at the Windows Phone system. Powerful and fresh, the Windows Phone system is excellent for those who like the way Microsoft does things. The system is clean, efficient, and stylish; the Lumia series phones by Nokia high lights this bold look even more. This system is a pretty good attempt at mixing the freedom of Android with the elegance and security of iOS. Nothing is perfect, but do not let that keep you from taking a closer look.

    Do you want full control over your phone?

    Do you want everything exactly the way you want it on your phone? Do you enjoy the freedom of choosing everything for yourself? Then Android is your platform. You start by choosing what model phone from a vast variety of shapes, sizes, and makers. Then you can pretty much choose everything you want, even develop and load your own apps. Power to the people is the theme, so if you think you can handle it take a look at Android.

    Do you want the latest and the greatest Apps?

    iOS is the way to go. No debate about it. This is simply because people who use iOS are willing to pay for Apps and features. Developers want to make money too, so naturally they develop first for the people who pay them. Simple economics. Android and Windows Phone get new apps as well but not as many and usually not before it is a success on iOS.

    Do you want a simple smartphone?

    Windows Phone and iOS are the best choices here. Few options and few choices do not mean that you get a bad experience, it just means you have less to worry about. Instead of figuring out how to use your phone, you just use it and get things done. Android is not worse, it just has more features and options that many people would rather not deal with.

    Do you have a limited budget?

    Smartphones and Mobile Devices can be expensive like Apple’s iPhone (iOS) and Nokia’s Lumia Series (Windows Phone). Still want the experience of a smartphone without the bill? Than Android is your system. The cheapest devices on the market run Android. But device costs are only half the story. The Google Play Store and Amazon have over 700,000 apps combined and almost three-quarters of those apps are free. They may contain ads, but with some luck those ads may help you find other great deals. The power of a Mobile Phone without having to empty your wallet.

    Is Entertainment a must have?

    Lets start off with this, Google has an excellent store for movies, music, games, and books. This is not a question of Google being bad or Apple being good. Quiet frankly, the numbers show that iOS users play more games and use far more entertainment apps than the other platforms. Is this because Apple is better? Maybe, but what I can say is that iOS is the entertainment platform.

    Still don’t know?

    Don’t worry. The best thing to do in this case is to ask your friends, family, or other people you know. Chances are that you will like what they like. You have similar tastes, similar interests, and similar preferences. Ask why they like or do not like their current phone. This should make it a lot easier to choose. Plus it is a lot more fun if you can share the fun with people who have the same Mobile OS.

     Final Note

    Finding the right phone for you can be difficult, but the choice is a lot easier when you know what Mobile OS you want to use. I am in no way affiliated with any of these brands and companies. I am simply sharing my opinion on what might be a good option for you. By all means make your own choice, but if you need some help take a look at what I recommend.
    Thank you for reading, share this with people you know, and help them find the right Mobile OS for them.

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